Wednesday, December 28, 2011

You Stink! Cupcakes

      Ah, the mysterious "you" again, did you read the last post my kind readers? Which by the way, while we are on the topic of those of you sweet people who for some unfathomable reason read my bologna of a blog, can I ask for a favor? I would really like some feedback and/or polite constructive criticism. I can't tell if I am totally ruining the blog name or doing a decent job.

So, moving on to my You Stink! Cupcakes. Who is this mysterious "you?” I am sure to a degree we all have one. In a certain light and mindset he is many different people but then again he could just be one in particular, who knows? These vanilla cake, chocolate frosted cupcakes were made out of frustration. I suppose to a certain degree, I being a very stubborn person was unhappy that I was unable to have what I wanted, or at least what I thought I wanted at the time. 
I handmade the flies out of marzipan which was a fun new experiment. I proceeded to embark on a crazy adventure to find a frosting bag tip that had a wide enough hole to give a true poop look. The chocolate frosting was very rich so in the future I might reduce the amount of cocoa powder to use, here is the recipe:

2 cups butter (no substitutes), softened
9 cups confectioners' sugar
2 1/2 cups baking cocoa
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup milk

                In the end you stink, I stink, and so does everyone else from time to time. I think we can get caught up in a moment and believe so deeply that there is something or someone that we want when in reality it is a temporary desire that subsides after time. But here is my dilemma, what happens when you get caught up in a moment, believe in something so deeply think it is just a temporary feeling but it does not subside over time and continues to pick at your thoughts for months? My only answer to this dilemma is to make more cupcakes.

xox – The Mixing Minx 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Minx,

    I just wanted to stop by to tell you that yes, you are doing a good job. I love checking in to see what you've come up with -- especially when it's poo cakes. Keep it up!

