Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Sweet and Innocent Hanukkah Cupcakes

Ha! Yeah right, in your dreams! I mean the cupcakes are legitimate, no fishy ingredients or anything and truthfully they are sweet, I did use plenty of sugar…bbuuutttt I don’t know how innocent they really are.
What are you good at? What do you do and how do you behave in social situations to make yourself feel good or less nervous? Some girls are very beautiful and push up their “assets,” some guys crack jokes, while other people discuss highly intellectual matters. I have no “assets” to push up, no jokes to crack, and the only intellectual matters I have to discuss relate to childcare and speech. I enjoy making people smile by feeding them, that’s my shtick.
Tonight I will be attending a Hanukkah party and to compensate for my lack of assets, jokes, and seemingly basic knowledge about Hanukkah and Judaism as a whole I will try to make my fellow friends smile by feeding them cupcakes and chocolate covered matzo. My evil plan is to bewilder them so much with these sweets that they will be distracted and not realize that I am reading other peoples lips to be sure I say the blessings correctly as we light the candles together. Of course if you are attending this event and are reading this post now, then my cover has been blown and my secret exposed, so I will study up on my Judaism for Dummies book just to be sure I am in the clear.
Religion aside, I suppose what I am getting at is that as humans we all have some kind of desire to be accepted among our peers, to be thought of in a positive light and to feel comfortable and happy. To achieve this goal we do what we are good at, flaunt our figures, make smart-butt comments, tell jokes, talk about seemingly intelligent topics, or even share our baked goods. Whatever your vice may be and how and when you use it is up to you, just remember to be true to yourself and enjoy the moment.
Wow, that was a great pep talk, don’t you think? Hanukkah party here I come!

xox -  The Mixing Minx

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