Monday, December 5, 2011

Be Gentle, It’s My First…

Blog! I am a bit skeptical about this blogging bologna, but I have had some positive feedback about my mixing (baking and cooking – or any other concoction I create in the kitchen) and some great suggestions from a very wise woman, so why not take a stab at it! I think this first post should be a simple introduction and then I can slowly lure you in with images of my taste bud tickling mixings….mmwwhahaha!
 I often refer to myself as a “Mommy Cook,” I don’t make fancy things, just good Mommy meals, but after delving further, I realized I may just be a combination of Keri Russell’s character Jenna Hunterson from Waitress, and Marcia Cross’s character Bree Van De Kamp from Desperate Housewives (who by the way, according to Sundays episode bakes when she is feeling down), with a tiny pinch of Paula Dean’s butter usage. My kitchen is always stocked with powdered sugar, chocolate chips, eggs, and butter just in case there is an emergency mixing need.
That somewhat explains the “mixing,” but what about the “minx” you ask? For that I will refer you back to the title of this post, I think it is fairly self explanatory and as the posts continue the minx within will come out.
xox  - The Mixing Minx

Here I am, taking a "stab" at it! :)


  1. First! One awesome butt cupcake left! You should post the recipe - that and the poop ones. (I sense a theme!!)

  2. I am very proud of my young "Mixing Minx" as I know your Grammy would have been also. I hope I can take some credit for the lessons in the kitchen! I look forward to more beautiful food pics and learning inspirational things from YOU!
    Luv, Mom

  3. Very very nice. I like cooking as well.
