Thursday, December 15, 2011

Cluster-fudge Christmas Cupcakes

Up until now I have presented you, my fantabulous readers (more then I had expected by the way) with minxy mixings from the past, but tonight I would like to share a mixing that was just completed…

Never have I ever scraped the frosting off of my cupcakes to do something different, but tonight I did. Tonight I made cupcakes out of necessity and not out of passion; therefore I present to you my Cluster-fudge Christmas Cupcakes. Have you seen How the Grinch Stole Christmas? You know how at the end everyone is happy, his heart grows, and he celebrates Christmas with the Whos down in Whoville? Well when I look at my cupcakes I think that quite possibly the Grinch took a dump on top and frosted my cupcakes for me, needless to say, I am not pleased with these.

Tomorrow I will present my Grinch-poo covered cupcakes to eleven amazing little children who have truly touched my life. This semester I completed my clinic at an elementary school and tomorrow will be my last day, so I will probably be a bit teary-eyed, which means that if you are in my path tomorrow, you will be subject to a ridiculous amount of hugs and will be instructed to bite my cupcake if you don’t like it. :) 

You see, minxy mixings take time and need to be made with love and passion, if they are forced then it will look like someone took a poo on them…wait, are we still talking about cupcakes, or does this relate to life and relationships in general? 

xox - The Mixing Minx

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