Wednesday, December 28, 2011

You Stink! Cupcakes

      Ah, the mysterious "you" again, did you read the last post my kind readers? Which by the way, while we are on the topic of those of you sweet people who for some unfathomable reason read my bologna of a blog, can I ask for a favor? I would really like some feedback and/or polite constructive criticism. I can't tell if I am totally ruining the blog name or doing a decent job.

So, moving on to my You Stink! Cupcakes. Who is this mysterious "you?” I am sure to a degree we all have one. In a certain light and mindset he is many different people but then again he could just be one in particular, who knows? These vanilla cake, chocolate frosted cupcakes were made out of frustration. I suppose to a certain degree, I being a very stubborn person was unhappy that I was unable to have what I wanted, or at least what I thought I wanted at the time. 
I handmade the flies out of marzipan which was a fun new experiment. I proceeded to embark on a crazy adventure to find a frosting bag tip that had a wide enough hole to give a true poop look. The chocolate frosting was very rich so in the future I might reduce the amount of cocoa powder to use, here is the recipe:

2 cups butter (no substitutes), softened
9 cups confectioners' sugar
2 1/2 cups baking cocoa
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup milk

                In the end you stink, I stink, and so does everyone else from time to time. I think we can get caught up in a moment and believe so deeply that there is something or someone that we want when in reality it is a temporary desire that subsides after time. But here is my dilemma, what happens when you get caught up in a moment, believe in something so deeply think it is just a temporary feeling but it does not subside over time and continues to pick at your thoughts for months? My only answer to this dilemma is to make more cupcakes.

xox – The Mixing Minx 

Friday, December 23, 2011

Fabulously Frazzled Fall Fupcakes

     "Frazzled" is one of my favorite words and it is a great way to convey how I feel. I can often be found in a frazzled state a good 9 1/2 months out of the year thanks to grad school and with the addition of work and people, well I can be frazzled all year long. Here, this term is also a good go to if you ask how I am doing and I respond with a wild look in my eyes and wiggle my hands near my head.

     My Fabulously Frazzled Fall Fupcakes are oddly made with yellow cake and vanilla frosting, which is a very uncommon combination for me to use and are topped with a variety of colorful marzipan leaves. Interpret or misinterpret however you (singular or plural) may...
You are in my head, but not my bed. 
You have infected my dreams so it seems.
You are in my thoughts just when I think I have forgot.
You come up in conversation in the oddest location.
I think you ignore me, which must mean you do not adore me.
People ask why I still think of you, and to be honest I really haven't a clue.
You are not my type, not my style, but for some reason I melt when I see that smile. 
You drive me crazy and make me insane, please just get out of my frazzled brain.
I feel like we are supposed to be, what the hell is wrong with me?

xox - The Mixing Minx

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Sweet and Innocent Hanukkah Cupcakes

Ha! Yeah right, in your dreams! I mean the cupcakes are legitimate, no fishy ingredients or anything and truthfully they are sweet, I did use plenty of sugar…bbuuutttt I don’t know how innocent they really are.
What are you good at? What do you do and how do you behave in social situations to make yourself feel good or less nervous? Some girls are very beautiful and push up their “assets,” some guys crack jokes, while other people discuss highly intellectual matters. I have no “assets” to push up, no jokes to crack, and the only intellectual matters I have to discuss relate to childcare and speech. I enjoy making people smile by feeding them, that’s my shtick.
Tonight I will be attending a Hanukkah party and to compensate for my lack of assets, jokes, and seemingly basic knowledge about Hanukkah and Judaism as a whole I will try to make my fellow friends smile by feeding them cupcakes and chocolate covered matzo. My evil plan is to bewilder them so much with these sweets that they will be distracted and not realize that I am reading other peoples lips to be sure I say the blessings correctly as we light the candles together. Of course if you are attending this event and are reading this post now, then my cover has been blown and my secret exposed, so I will study up on my Judaism for Dummies book just to be sure I am in the clear.
Religion aside, I suppose what I am getting at is that as humans we all have some kind of desire to be accepted among our peers, to be thought of in a positive light and to feel comfortable and happy. To achieve this goal we do what we are good at, flaunt our figures, make smart-butt comments, tell jokes, talk about seemingly intelligent topics, or even share our baked goods. Whatever your vice may be and how and when you use it is up to you, just remember to be true to yourself and enjoy the moment.
Wow, that was a great pep talk, don’t you think? Hanukkah party here I come!

xox -  The Mixing Minx

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Cute as a Mouse Cupcakes

     Gosh, have things been negative around here? Maybe a bit blue or green? I think I feel the winds of change coming around, oh, no never mind, I just turned on the fan that’s all. Although to be slightly serious I do think it’s time for some positive vibes and to share a secret. Yeah I said a secret, did that get your attention? Maybe you will actually read the whole post this time since I am sharing a secret? It’s a baking secret, so don’t get too excited over there.

     Drum role please (yeah, like a role that you eat, it’s a play on words, come on, this blog is about food)… *banging wooden spoons on mixing bowls* I use the cheapest boxed cake mix I can find when I make a mixing. I do not make my cakes from scratch, how can you argue with $1 for a mix? To make up for my baking faux pas I always make my frosting from scratch, and in my opinion, that is the important part.

     I tend to mix when I am feeling minxy, when I am angry or frazzled, but once in a blue moon I mix for fun. One night I was feeling cute and creative, so I made my Cute as a Mouse Cupcakes. I wanted to find a way to incorporate other edible items in addition to the frosting for decoration. This chocolate cake (boxed mix), vanilla frosted cupcake is topped with ears made of oreos with pink frosting, eyes made of york peppermint patty m&m type candies, a nose which is a strawberry coated whopper, and whiskers made from chocolate twizzlers. Oh, by the way, slicing chocolate twizzlers at midnight and trying to make even strips is incredibly annoying.
     Not only were these mice super cute, but they tasted great, until the next day of course when I forgot that putting a dry cookie on top of moist frosting for more than a day would result in a soggy cookie, yum? All this talk about food is making me hungry, time to eat!

xox – The Mixing Minx

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Cluster-fudge Christmas Cupcakes

Up until now I have presented you, my fantabulous readers (more then I had expected by the way) with minxy mixings from the past, but tonight I would like to share a mixing that was just completed…

Never have I ever scraped the frosting off of my cupcakes to do something different, but tonight I did. Tonight I made cupcakes out of necessity and not out of passion; therefore I present to you my Cluster-fudge Christmas Cupcakes. Have you seen How the Grinch Stole Christmas? You know how at the end everyone is happy, his heart grows, and he celebrates Christmas with the Whos down in Whoville? Well when I look at my cupcakes I think that quite possibly the Grinch took a dump on top and frosted my cupcakes for me, needless to say, I am not pleased with these.

Tomorrow I will present my Grinch-poo covered cupcakes to eleven amazing little children who have truly touched my life. This semester I completed my clinic at an elementary school and tomorrow will be my last day, so I will probably be a bit teary-eyed, which means that if you are in my path tomorrow, you will be subject to a ridiculous amount of hugs and will be instructed to bite my cupcake if you don’t like it. :) 

You see, minxy mixings take time and need to be made with love and passion, if they are forced then it will look like someone took a poo on them…wait, are we still talking about cupcakes, or does this relate to life and relationships in general? 

xox - The Mixing Minx

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

You’re Such a D-bag…Cake

In light of recent events I feel that now is the appropriate time to post my Douchebag mixing. I am not pointing fingers here; (although if I were I would need more hands) I am merely noting my frustration with 99% of the twenty-something male population.

I usually make cupcakes, that’s my deal, but this minxy mixing deserves a whole cake. My inspiration for this cake was the result of many unfortunate run-ins with Mr. “let’s just have fun,” “I am not a fan of titles,” and my personal favorite, Mr. “I just want to be friends” followed by a cheesy grin after multiple dates.

Here, Mr. D-bag features key components that are often seen: spiked hair that has been doused in product, tacky sunglasses, an obnoxiously over-groomed goatee, a shell choker necklace, and an earring (this one is optional depending on where the D-bag calls home).

I actually enjoyed making the cake, it was a new artistic challenge for me and was quite rewarding as I took a knife to his face while fixing up a slice for a girl friend. Many thanks to this great article for pointing out key characteristics and features…

xox - The Mixing Minx

P.S. - Thank you to the 1% of the twenty-something male population for not fitting into this category. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Bad Day, No Lovin, Blueberry Cupcakes

Take a step back in time with me my magnificent readers…to a time when school made you nutty, those of the male gender bemused you, and life in general was overwhelming. What? Wait a minute, back in time?  What am I saying?  That is all applicable to life right now!

I had a bad day, as I am sure you all have experienced numerous times. Did you make a cupcake about it too? Here are my Bad Day, No Lovin, Blueberry Cupcakes, for which I experimented with real blueberries in the cake mix and the frosting and incorporated some fresh mint from my balcony garden.

How did they turn out? Well, although their theme relates to today, tomorrow, and I am sure many months to come, I actually made these a while ago with more of an artistic/minxy approach (yes, I am concluding that “minxy” is a word and if you don’t agree then bite my cupcake!) so their taste was irrelevant to me, but I think they turned out pretty good.  

 xox – The Mixing Minx

Monday, December 5, 2011

Be Gentle, It’s My First…

Blog! I am a bit skeptical about this blogging bologna, but I have had some positive feedback about my mixing (baking and cooking – or any other concoction I create in the kitchen) and some great suggestions from a very wise woman, so why not take a stab at it! I think this first post should be a simple introduction and then I can slowly lure you in with images of my taste bud tickling mixings….mmwwhahaha!
 I often refer to myself as a “Mommy Cook,” I don’t make fancy things, just good Mommy meals, but after delving further, I realized I may just be a combination of Keri Russell’s character Jenna Hunterson from Waitress, and Marcia Cross’s character Bree Van De Kamp from Desperate Housewives (who by the way, according to Sundays episode bakes when she is feeling down), with a tiny pinch of Paula Dean’s butter usage. My kitchen is always stocked with powdered sugar, chocolate chips, eggs, and butter just in case there is an emergency mixing need.
That somewhat explains the “mixing,” but what about the “minx” you ask? For that I will refer you back to the title of this post, I think it is fairly self explanatory and as the posts continue the minx within will come out.
xox  - The Mixing Minx

Here I am, taking a "stab" at it! :)