Saturday, February 11, 2012

PMS Cupcakes

    This PMS cupcake trio is composed of different themes, those of which can often be found during that wonderful time of PMSing. Here we have love, anger, and chocolate all made with a pinch of the following: tears, love, sweat, frustration, anger, guilt, annoyance, shame, happiness, spit, jealousy, desire, care and passion.

Love: I love you, did you know that? It freaks me out, but it's true. In fact, I think I might love you too much for my own good. Love is weird and strange, warm and fuzzy, and most definitely not black and white. Tune in tomorrow for more on this matter as a new mixing will posted.

Chocolate: Yes, chocolate counts as a theme, what kind of woman do you think I am? I am starting to wonder if chocolate runs through my veins and I should attend CA (chocoholics anonymous) meetings. Chocolate is the core of my being, it is in my genetics, if you only know one thing about me, it's that I love chocolate and chocolate loves me.

Anger, or most recently renamed: You Annoy Me Bitch-Cakes. Made with get the heck out of my way chocolate cake, stop bothering me vanilla frosting, and bite me decorations. You - a pronoun which often is used to refer to a single person, but here, may refer to more then one person. Pardon my language but this calls for it. You. You are so annoying. You make me mad. You make me want to bitch. You make me want to embrace this month's PMS and complain up a storm. You get in my way. You make me think stupid thoughts. You make me waste good boxed cake mix and home made frosting. Here I am wasting my time writing a post about you which someone will waste their time reading. You annoy me.

Love, Chocolate, and Anger...all a part of the PMS process. Feel free my kind reader(s?) to miss-interpret up a storm for which a hurricane will surely follow.

xox- The Mixing Minx


  1. I am so proud to be your mom!

  2. Omgah I love this. gotta make this when its that time of the month, it would make ne feel so much better. :)
