Monday, February 13, 2012

Are You There Love? It’s Me, Ashley.

Dear Love,
    Are you there, do you exist? Are you hanging out with the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, and Santa Claus? Are you a true feeling that exists within each of us to varying degrees? Gosh Love, you sure can be confusing, maybe a little tricky and sly as well. How do we know if our feelings are truly Love, is it something that you know immediately such as the idea of “Love at first sight?” Or is Love something that gradually grows over time and with experiences? Maybe it’s both, I am a fan of compromises, and looking for the middle ground, things aren’t always black and white, sometimes they are grey too. So here, when discussing the matter of you Love, I will support the idea of Love that can be faintly noticed at first sight and blossoms over time like a beautiful rose.

“Love, who can tell me I am wrong? I just think that I am strong. What is Love, what is love? I just want to be Loved.”

   So here, as we get closer to the holiday that honors Love, or possibly just the idea of capitalism and its great conquering abilities over our wallets for one day, I ask, what is Love? A (for the most part) wise man who in fact once Loved me, recently reminded me that Love will come my way again. I just wonder if Love is here now, or is this strange feeling inside lactose induced and merely my lack of ability to digest those crazy milk-ish foods that I continue to consume. I like to believe it is the beginning of Love, and as much as I want to shout it out, say it all day, and bend over backwards to express it, I will instead take the calm and reserved approach in fear of losing the feelings of Love. And Love, if you are there, some kind of sign might be nice, a figurative or literal one will do just fine. :)
Your skeptical optimist,
Enjoy this upcoming holiday of Love, whether you are with someone or not, there is someone who Loves you and someone that you Love as well. Happy Love Day!
xox – The Mixing Minx

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