Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Holes In My Heart Cupcakes

I don't have the words for this one, so I will leave it up to those who seem to be better with words then myself...

“When you're dreaming with a broken heart, the waking up is the hardest part. You roll outta bed and down on your knees and for the moment you can hardly breathe, wondering was she really here? Is she standing in my room? No she's not, 'cause she's gone, gone, gone, gone, gone....”

“And I'll kiss you between the ears
If you're my girl, swirl me around your room with feeling
And as we twirl, the glow in the dark stars on your ceiling
Will shine for us, as love sweeps over the room
'Cause we tend to make each other blush, you make me blush”

“And you are there on my heart at the start of my every morning and I can't deny by the end of the day that I'm running on empty But you make me full, steal my breath. You're so unpredictable, that's what I'm coming home to.”

“This music in my head of heartshaped melodies in red. If this is just the start I cant wait to hear the end. The hours come and go as we lay wrapped up tight in your silver glow I've never been this content to be.”

“I'm on the road of least resistance. I'd rather give up than give in to this. So promise me only one thing, would you? Just don't ever make me promises”

“And I tell myself to let the story end, my heart will rest in someone else's hand, my 'why not me?' philosophy began, and I say, ooh, how'm I gonna get over you? I'll be alright, just not tonight, someday, oh I wish you'd want me to stay. I'll be alright, just not tonight, someday”

 - xox The Mixing Minx

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sexy Irrational Chili & Deliciously Yuckie Cornbread

There is just too much to say about this dish so instead I will keep in short, like the short dog hair that I am still trying to lint roll out of my new white couch. This chili was made with pissy peppers, banging beans, angry onions, mangled mushrooms, good-too-shoes garlic, and sexy spices, all topped with catastrophic cheese. Sometimes even those who generally seem to be level headed have their irrational moments. Since beginning my externship, changing jobs, and opening my heart I think I have become even more irrational then usual. The cornbread is quite good to be honest, the "yuckie" is merely there to be conflicting. Well that's all I've got, so thanks for reading... *cough cough* Elena and Mom. 

xox - The Mixing Minx

Monday, February 13, 2012

Are You There Love? It’s Me, Ashley.

Dear Love,
    Are you there, do you exist? Are you hanging out with the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, and Santa Claus? Are you a true feeling that exists within each of us to varying degrees? Gosh Love, you sure can be confusing, maybe a little tricky and sly as well. How do we know if our feelings are truly Love, is it something that you know immediately such as the idea of “Love at first sight?” Or is Love something that gradually grows over time and with experiences? Maybe it’s both, I am a fan of compromises, and looking for the middle ground, things aren’t always black and white, sometimes they are grey too. So here, when discussing the matter of you Love, I will support the idea of Love that can be faintly noticed at first sight and blossoms over time like a beautiful rose.

“Love, who can tell me I am wrong? I just think that I am strong. What is Love, what is love? I just want to be Loved.”

   So here, as we get closer to the holiday that honors Love, or possibly just the idea of capitalism and its great conquering abilities over our wallets for one day, I ask, what is Love? A (for the most part) wise man who in fact once Loved me, recently reminded me that Love will come my way again. I just wonder if Love is here now, or is this strange feeling inside lactose induced and merely my lack of ability to digest those crazy milk-ish foods that I continue to consume. I like to believe it is the beginning of Love, and as much as I want to shout it out, say it all day, and bend over backwards to express it, I will instead take the calm and reserved approach in fear of losing the feelings of Love. And Love, if you are there, some kind of sign might be nice, a figurative or literal one will do just fine. :)
Your skeptical optimist,
Enjoy this upcoming holiday of Love, whether you are with someone or not, there is someone who Loves you and someone that you Love as well. Happy Love Day!
xox – The Mixing Minx

Saturday, February 11, 2012

PMS Cupcakes

    This PMS cupcake trio is composed of different themes, those of which can often be found during that wonderful time of PMSing. Here we have love, anger, and chocolate all made with a pinch of the following: tears, love, sweat, frustration, anger, guilt, annoyance, shame, happiness, spit, jealousy, desire, care and passion.

Love: I love you, did you know that? It freaks me out, but it's true. In fact, I think I might love you too much for my own good. Love is weird and strange, warm and fuzzy, and most definitely not black and white. Tune in tomorrow for more on this matter as a new mixing will posted.

Chocolate: Yes, chocolate counts as a theme, what kind of woman do you think I am? I am starting to wonder if chocolate runs through my veins and I should attend CA (chocoholics anonymous) meetings. Chocolate is the core of my being, it is in my genetics, if you only know one thing about me, it's that I love chocolate and chocolate loves me.

Anger, or most recently renamed: You Annoy Me Bitch-Cakes. Made with get the heck out of my way chocolate cake, stop bothering me vanilla frosting, and bite me decorations. You - a pronoun which often is used to refer to a single person, but here, may refer to more then one person. Pardon my language but this calls for it. You. You are so annoying. You make me mad. You make me want to bitch. You make me want to embrace this month's PMS and complain up a storm. You get in my way. You make me think stupid thoughts. You make me waste good boxed cake mix and home made frosting. Here I am wasting my time writing a post about you which someone will waste their time reading. You annoy me.

Love, Chocolate, and Anger...all a part of the PMS process. Feel free my kind reader(s?) to miss-interpret up a storm for which a hurricane will surely follow.

xox- The Mixing Minx