Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Ggggrrrr-ad school stinks!

A food collage! Yes, I confess I don't know what I was thinking when I decided to go to graduate school, oh wait, I remember, I thought to myself, "hey, I really enjoyed undergrad and it would be nice to be around other people who are interested in the same field I am." Of course job security and a steady supporting pay check were also factors.

Well I have realized over and over again that grad school stinks! I love being in an environment with crazy estrogen filled women where we don't practice what we preach. I think that to be a successful grad student you must not have a life, you have to be this super human mutant who is consistently hyped up on caffeine (or worse things), be able to ace all examinations, kiss your professor and supervisors be-hinds, and just be overly excited and joyful about everything. yay? What is going on with education? I have learned that yes school is about learning, but it's more about appeasing your superiors and getting good test scores, forget if you are an ethical person, do good things, and have general everyday smarts.

Needless to say the fall semester can't come soon enough, I am hoping that I will get a glimpse of a better world and thank the food gods that graduation is just a few more months away. I leave you all, my faithful Mixing Minx readers with a collage-ish (I can't squish them all together quite like a collage, so it's "collage-ish") of food that I have made over the past couple of months. Enjoy!

xox- The Mixing Minx

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Lucky Love Lasagna

Can love and luck be compared to a lasagna? Does that even make sense? Are you in my head, can you read my mind and where I am going with this? It is possible that the lack of sleep and spider in my bed anxiety has significantly impaired my ability to make logical comparisons between feelings and food...or maybe it has enhanced those abilities?

A lasagna is composed of layers, each one is significant and provides different flavors, just as a relationship is composed of various thoughts, feelings, and actions, all of which come together to formulate a successful relationship. I prepare the baking dish by pouring in a little pasta sauce, like a little flirtatious behavior before the dating, then I carefully pick the noodles that look the best and gently lay them in the dish as if each noodle represented a date that left me speechless. Next is a layer of ground beef that has been cooked with onions and peppers, similar to the foundation of a relationship with thoughtful words and gifts. 
Now don't freak out on me, I know some of you will, but I use cottage cheese instead of ricotta, does it make a difference? I really don't know, I think what really matters is that you have cheese, just as a relationship needs to have trust to spread around and form a stable foundation. Another layer of noodles is next, more dates and adventures are enjoyed. Then I spread sauce on top as if I am opening my whole heart and soul to the relationship that has been created by the layers below. Finally I sprinkle shredded cheese on top, just as I sprinkle my love over the various aspects of the relationship.

This lasagna symbolizes how lucky I am to have found the love I have.

xox – The Mixing Minx