Sunday, April 8, 2012

Have Faith and Trust, Not-Cakes

My faithful and caring Mixing Minx readers, I have something new for you, something out of the ordinary and unusual. If you are here only to admire baked goods, then leave. If you are here and do not like cheese, and/or its pairing with meat, then leave. If you are here and strongly object to fried foods, then leave! Otherwise, hold on to your jaw, so it doesn't drop to your belly button when your mouth overflows with saliva from ogling at these Have Faith and Trust, Not-Cakes.

Have you ever had a situation arise where someone who seemingly cared for you did something to break your faith and trust in them? Trust is such an important factor to have in life, trust in your family, your friends, your significant other. Once the trust is broken, and the faith in that person is lost, how is it recovered? Can it be recovered? How long will it take? My thought, it depends. Every situation and person is different, some faith and trust will be forever lost, and others will return with time.

I like to think going with your gut feeling is often the right way approach and handle a situation. Currently, my gut is screaming, (not from a lactose induced frenzy, I haven't eaten one of these yet) I have trust and faith in it, and if on the off chance it is wrong (if I am wrong) then at least I can be wrong with a bang. BANG!

In honor of my pleasantly surprising new found old friend, and the new friends I have recently made, I present to you a daring mix, a twist on the typical cheese stick you may find at any restaurant, this is a munster cheese and salami stick. I carefully rolled munster cheese and salami together, double breaded it, and then said a little prayer, as I always do before goes something like this: Dear Cooking Gods, please let this food turn out alright, Amen. I trusted and had faith in my gut feeling about this new dish and fried up a storm. 

Since I am a fairy fan, I will conclude with this:
“All you need is faith, trust, and a little pixie dust.”

xox – The Mixing Minx


  1. Even though I am not a fan of the cheese/meat combo, I loved the post and the idea of the food! xoxo

  2. :) thanks! I hope you are doing well!

  3. Nice idea for a great-looking appetizer or snack! (although I would use turkey salami!) Keep up the great mixin's! Love, your biggest fan! (Mom!)
