Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Hakol Sababa Cupcakes

     Before delving into the reasoning and rationalization for these amazing cupcakes, I need to acknowledge that these were not the cupcakes originally planned. I was going to be a real minx and make Foot in Mouth Ugh-cakes, with my traditional chocolate cupcake, vanilla frosting and a foot and mouth made out of marzipan. I wanted to talk about how I felt as though I put my foot in my mouth yet again, and all of this other pessimistic, negative blibbity blah. Then something changed my mindset, maybe it was playing “guess that bug in my house” with a good girlfriend, hearing a positive song on the radio, listening to my brother tell a dozen Chuck Norris jokes, (did you know that when the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris, and that only Chuck Norris can dislike on facebook, oh yeah, the list goes on), or possibly it was getting the reassurance I was looking for. Anyway, my mind was changed, so the cupcakes had to be changed too.

     In light of my recent adventure and change of mindset, I feel it is appropriate to stop being so pessimistic, to stop being so negative and just say “phillips head screw it!” Hakol Sababa means something along the lines of “everything is good,” or at least that is what it means now. As you may have guessed if you keep up with this obnoxious blog, these are chocolate cupcakes with vanilla frosting, and my favorite, rainbow sprinkles.

     I think sometimes in life we get so caught up in our own little bubble, focus too much on what is wrong and not going the way we planned. We get so wrapped up in this “woe is me” perspective that we forget all of the positive things that are going on in our lives. Although your day may have been long and stressful, I know there is at least one positive action, feeling, person, or activity from your day. Although my day was stressful while playing ketchup since I was gone for a few days (yes, it's “ketchup,” food blog, remember?) I had an amazing, well needed vacation, met some wonderful people and came home to my family who filled my day with endless jokes and delicious food.

Hakol Sababa,
xox – The Mixing Minx

Monday, March 12, 2012

No Backbone Yam-Cakes

Where has my backbone gone? I think I lost some of the vertebrae in my spine, my will power is gone, rules thrown out the window, all hope is lost, I am forever doomed.

What is your weakness? What are those things that you just can't resist no matter how unhealthy or bad they may be for you? And tell me, what do you do to resist those things? Pretend they are not there, remind yourself of how bad they are, or give in to the torment of your weakness? For some people it is chocolate, candy, or maybe some potatoe chips (yeah, that's how I spell “potato” just deal with it, my blog, my spelling rules). It's quite possible your weakness could be from a different category all together, a person, place, shopping habit or other activity. Well whatever your weakness is, shoot, I am right there with you, and man is it ever hard to resist that weakness.

Recently I conquered my bread weakness, yeah, I LOVE bread, I would eat a loaf every meal of the day if I could. Challah bread, potatoe bread, sunflower bread, corn bread, pita, banana, rye, pumpernickel, naan, oh yum.... I need to stop, this bread list is making me so hungry.

Here are my No Backbone Yam-Cakes, as in: “My backbone must be missing. Ah ha! Here is some of it in these cupcakes!" These are sweet potatoe cupcakes, with vanilla frosting and marzipan vertebrae. Why sweet potatoe you ask? Well if you don't already know, then you don't need to know, so leave it at that. The colors are kind of funky, but it goes with the dish, and that's good enough for me. 

xox- The Mixing Minx